Services of the Great and Holy Lent 2018

PASCHA 2018 GREAT AND HOLY WEEK SERVICES APRIL 1st – 8th Palm Sunday Matins 09.30a.m. Divine Liturgy 10.20a.m. Service of the Bridegroom 12.00p.m. Holy Monday Service of theBridegroom 19.00p.m. Holy Tuesday Service of theBridegroom 19.00p.m. Holy Wednesday Sacrament of the Holy Unction 19.00p.m. Holy Thursday Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great 09.30a.m. Service of the […]
Holy Week 2016 – Epitaphios Service

The Matins of Holy Saturday are usually celebrated on Friday night. They begin in the normal way with the singing of God is the Lord, the troparion The Noble Joseph, and the following troparia: When Thou didst descend to death 0 Life Immortal, Thou didst slay hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead! And […]
Holy Week 2016 – Decorating of the Epitaphios

On Friday night, the Matins of Holy and Great Saturday, a unique service known as the The Lamentation at the Tomb (Epitáphios Thrēnos) is celebrated. This service is also sometimes called Jerusalem Matins. Much of the service takes place around the tomb of Christ in the center of the nave. A unique feature of the service is […]
Holy Week 2016 – Holy Thursday night

The commemorations of Holy Friday begin with the Matins service of the day which is conducted on Thursday evening. The service is a very unique Matins service with twelve Gospel readings that begin with Christ’s discourse at the Last Supper and end with the account of His burial: John 13:31-18:1, John 18:1-29, Matthew 26:57-75, John […]
Holy Week 2016 – Sacrament of the Holy Unction

The Sacrament of the Holy Unction is an enduring sacrament of faith for healing the sick and forgiving sins, with the most familiar celebration of the sacrament on Great Wednesday of HolyWeek
Holy Easter 2016

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life!
Blessing of the Waters 2016 (photo gallery)

You appeared to the world today, and Your light, O Lord, has left its mark upon us. With fuller understanding we sing to You: “You came, You were made manifest, the unapproachable light.”
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord 2016 (photo gallery)

Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed. For the voice of the Father gave witness to You, calling You Beloved, and the Spirit, in the guise of a dove, confirmed the certainty of His words. Glory to You, Christ our God, who appeared and enlightened the world.
Christmas 2015 – Photo Gallery

Your Nativity, O Christ our God, / Has shone to the world the Light of wisdom! / For by it, those who worshipped the stars, / Were taught by a Star to adore You, / The Sun of Righteousness, / And to know You, the Orient from on High. / O Lord, glory to You!
Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore and South Asia at the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore and South Asia was one of more than a hundred hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne who signed the Act of Indiction, the Proclamation of a New Ecclesiastical Year, on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, following the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint George at the Phanar, Constantinople. The hierarchs signed in order […]