Blessing of the Waters 2016 (photo gallery)

You appeared to the world today, and Your light, O Lord, has left its mark upon us. With fuller understanding we sing to You: “You came, You were made manifest, the unapproachable light.”
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord 2016 (photo gallery)

Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed. For the voice of the Father gave witness to You, calling You Beloved, and the Spirit, in the guise of a dove, confirmed the certainty of His words. Glory to You, Christ our God, who appeared and enlightened the world.
Blessing of the Waters 2016 Video

About the beginning of our Lord’s thirtieth year, John the Forerunner, who was some six months older than Our Saviour according to the flesh, and had lived in the wilderness since his childhood, received a command from God and came into the parts of the Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance unto the remission of […]
Christmas 2015 – Photo Gallery

Your Nativity, O Christ our God, / Has shone to the world the Light of wisdom! / For by it, those who worshipped the stars, / Were taught by a Star to adore You, / The Sun of Righteousness, / And to know You, the Orient from on High. / O Lord, glory to You!
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew’s Christmas Message

On The Feast of the Nativity of Christ our Saviour 2015 Prot. No. 1172 CHRISTMAS ENCYCLICAL + BARTHOLOMEW By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the plenitude of the Church Grace, mercy and peace from the newborn Savior Christ in Bethlehem Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, […]
Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos – Singapore 2015

The celebration of the feast of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary at Holy Resurrection Orthodox Cathedral in Singapore. August, 2015.
Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore and South Asia at the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Metropolitan Konstantinos of Singapore and South Asia was one of more than a hundred hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne who signed the Act of Indiction, the Proclamation of a New Ecclesiastical Year, on Tuesday, September 1, 2015, following the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint George at the Phanar, Constantinople. The hierarchs signed in order […]
Communique of the Synaxis of the Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

From August 29th to September 3rd, 2015, at the invitation and under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the venerable Hierarchy of the Ecumenical Throne, together with Hierarchs under its canonical charge, including the Autonomous Churches of Finland and Estonia as well as the Ukrainians and Carpatho-Russians under its protection, convened in […]
September 1st: Patriarchal Encyclical for the Protection of Environment

“All of creation is renewed by the Holy Spirit, returning to its original state.” (Anavathmoi, First Tone)
Power to do all that the Theotokos wills

Mary’s intercession and mediation, therefore, are not only incomparably greater but incomparably different in nature from those of the Angels and Saints. The intercessions of all other Saints are only supplicatory in nature. Without Mary the Mother of the Incarnate Logos (Word), however, there can be no Saints. She is one of the two persons […]